Goodbye Chiques!


My manuscript!!

My summer in my hometown is coming to an end. I’m returning to my second home in the Midwest!! Now, the real question did I get anything done here. In my previous blog entry, I stated I was working on many different projects. Especially, my manuscriptSearching For Memories In La Colonia: Migration, Labor, And Activism In Oxnard, California, 1930-1980.

Photo Jun 24, 3 00 11 PM

Our mother with her PhD sons! Dr. Jose G. Moreno and Dr. Luis H. Moreno!

And like all of my projects, I only focus on a couple sections at a time. So, in other words, yes I got somethings done on them!! And between the walking, reading, and writings, I spend sometime with my familia!

Photo Jul 02, 12 38 32 PM

Downtown Oxnard!!

Like always, I’m leaving Chiques with memories of struggles, happiness, and love. Goodbye! See you later!





Summer is here!

File Jun 23, 9 02 15 PMLike always, every summer, I return to blogging. The summer allows me to practice my writing skills and share my research & thoughts about the world around me to everyone.

Right now, I’m in Chiques hanging out with my family. My goal is to work on the following projects:

  1. Searching For Memories In La ColoniaMigration, Labor, And Activism In Oxnard, California, 1930-1980 (manuscript)
  2. “Aliens” In Ohio: Constructing The Narrative Of Mexicans In The Midwest, the 1930’s—1950’s (article)
  3. Cruisin’ With Los Veteranos: Community And Identity In Southern California (article)

Hopefully, I finish something. Plus, I’m enjoying eating some Mexican food!!
