There are 20 posts filed in Academic (this is page 1 of 10).
Goodbye Chiques!
My summer in my hometown is coming to an end. I’m returning to my second home in the Midwest!! Now, the real question did I get anything done here. In my previous blog entry, I stated I was working on many different projects. Especially, my manuscript, Searching For Memories In La Colonia: Migration, Labor, And Activism In Oxnard, California, 1930-1980.

Our mother with her PhD sons! Dr. Jose G. Moreno and Dr. Luis H. Moreno!
And like all of my projects, I only focus on a couple sections at a time. So, in other words, yes I got somethings done on them!! And between the walking, reading, and writings, I spend sometime with my familia!
Like always, I’m leaving Chiques with memories of struggles, happiness, and love. Goodbye! See you later!