Yesterday, forty-five years ago (June 6, 1968), Senator Robert F. Kennedy passed away, a day after being shot by Sirhan Sirhan, when leaving the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Kennedy had just given a victory speech for winning California’s Presidential Primary election.
Before the primary election, Kennedy had been traveling around the country campaigning. On May 28, 1968, he stopped in Ventura County. When in the county, he made a campaign stop in the La Colonia neighborhood of Oxnard.
Kennedy was greeted by the local Chicana/o working-class community. My father, Louie Moreno had the opportunity to shake his hand before he entered the Christ of Kings Church on Cooper Road.
Just like his brother, Robert F. Kennedy had a strong connection to the Chicana/o working-class community. And in La Colonia, local residents mourned his life and death!
Also, check out Frank Barajas’s post on Kennedy’s La Colonia visit.